Andrew Lloyd Beaver PA | You are never 1000 leagues out of your depth. Take the promotion!
Always take the promotion even though you do not think you are qualified. If you are happy and satisfied with your current role in the company then you can learn as you go. Never be content with your role if you can add more responsibilities and learning opportunities. You should always be itching for a new position in your field. A promotion is always headed your way if you are good at what you do.
Andrew Lloyd of Beaver, PA will play devils advocate for a second. Don’t accept the promotion automatically. Look it over and see the fine print of the offer.
Is the promotion right for you?
1. Don’t take the promotion in title only. You want to get paid more with new responsibilities.
2. Don’t take a promotion that doesn’t advance your career. You want this position to look good as well as add skills on your resume.
3. Don’t take the promotion if it will ruin your personal life. You still need a work/life balance. Check how the company is doing financially. Struggling companies will always give you a “promotion,” but you end up just working way more hours for the same pay. Do not struggle to disconnect on your days off with more work.
4. Don’t take the promotion if the money isn’t worth it. “Stay at your current role and learn new skills during your off time if the money isn’t worth it,” according to Andrew Lloyd of Beaver, PA.
5. Don’t take the promotion if you are going to burn bridges or play workplace politics. Coworkers might be mad you took the position when they wanted it. This could cause a downward spiral in relationships.
If it’s a great opportunity to step up and ramp up your skill set in a real world environment take it! Good luck and congratulations on your promotion!
Read more from Andrew Lloyd of Beaver, PA HERE.