How to Overcome All-or-Nothing Thinking After the Pandemic

All or Nothing Thinking: This distortion happens when we have no room for middle ground. If we think that a small fault in ourselves means we are terrible, we’re likely engaging in this behavior. It is not healthy.
The pandemic has been pretty exhausting. Many people have confused the stress of the pandemic with anxiety, depression and all or nothing thinking. Humans think no progress was made in 2020 because the world stopped.
As the world fully embraces the revolution of opening up to pre-pandemic life, humans are going through a hardly-noticed evolution. All or Nothing Thinking.
We’ve been indoctrinated to try to force our critical thinking into boxes like these:
Fully opened vs closed
Intense vs nothing
Negative and positive
Rich and poor
Alcoholic and non-alcoholic
Happy and sad
In reality, binary experience of life don’t really exist. There is a middle ground.
A little progress each day adds up to big results. As long as you perform the daily tasks to reach your goal, it doesn’t matter the size of the task, what matters is the consistency.
Andrew Lloyd of Beaver, PA “The world is open. Time to reach your goals one task at a time.”